
Help support Battle Ground HealthCare by donating items or with a financial gift.

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Help us continue serving those who need us most.

In 2011 a small group of people here in North Clark County had a dream. That dream was to find a way to provide healthcare to people in our local community who were in the “Care Gap.” This Care Gap consists of people who make too much money to receive assistance from the government but not enough money to afford to go to the doctor.

These are people who have truly fallen on hard times. They’re not looking for handouts. And they’re not sitting around idly. Most of them work hard but are just in a tough place financially and physically.

When we opened our doors there were about 61,000 people in North Clark County in this Care Gap. And even with the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there still exists a large segment of the population who continue to fall through the cracks, specifically, those at, or below, 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. These are people who:

  • Can’t afford their insurance deductibles.
  • Can’t get in to see a doctor because the long wait times at hospitals.
  • Can’t get access to care because there are not enough providers (provider practices are full).

Therefore, we continue to do what we do. We provide free chronic care medical services to North County residents between the ages of 18-65. And the reason we’re able to do this is because of generous donors like you who believe we can make a difference in our community.

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Our Cause & Mission

Learn more about what we do and hear from or wonderful staff, volunteers and patients about the positive impacts that Battle Ground HealthCare has had on countless lives in Clark County.

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